Tutorial 2: Merging

Today’s tutorial is about merging. Merging means combining more than one dataframe using a common variable.

We teach merging early in the course because most projects require merging data. We devote an entire tutorial to merging because merging can frequently go wrong. When it does, your data become garbage. All products you make from the garbage data are also themselves garbage.

This tutorial uses small example datasets to show you how merging works. It builds in examples of “merges gone wrong” to point out the type of problems for which you should be on the lookout. For your homework, you’ll find some additional data and merge it in to a county-level dataset.

We end with a discussion of variable types in R, with an important note about factor variables. Factor variables are strange but important. You need to be at least modestly familiar with them to use R successfully.

Next class we begin with graphs!

A. Load Data

As you did last week, create a R script for this class. Write all your commands in the R script (recall, a file with R commands ending in .R). You can run all of the program at once (code \(\rightarrow\) run region \(\rightarrow\) run all), or just selected lines by highlighting them and pressing “run.”

For the purposes of this tutorial, you may wish to run selected lines. At the end, be sure that your entire script works – this will show whether your logic follows throughout the entire program. When I say “entire program works,” that means Code menu \(\rightarrow\) run region \(\rightarrow\) run all.

We’ll begin by loading two very small datasets, examining them, and merging them. These are student-level datasets, and here are the links for what we’ll call students1 and students2.

Like we did last class, we’ll use read.csv() to open these files, and we’ll use other commands to help us understand the file. This is a small file, and you can understand this file without these commands just by opening it in Excel. However, you will need to deal with files larger than you can see in Excel – which is why we learn these tools. We practice them on a small dataset so you can easily see what does and doesn’t work.

Let’s begin by loading students1, printing the data, and then seeing what variable names the data have.

# load the first student data
student1 <- read.csv("H:/pppa_data_viz/2019/tutorial_data/lecture02/2019-01-27_fake_student_data.csv")

# how many students?
  First_name last_name GWID gpa degree remaining_sem
1      elpis    josefa  G37 2.9    mpa             1
2    longina   nedelya  G12 3.9    mpp             4
3   richelle    bjoern  G08 3.4    mpp             1
4    mozghan      mara  G62 3.5    mpa             2
5       runa   marcelo  G14 3.8    mpp             3
[1] 5 6
# which variables?
[1] "First_name"    "last_name"     "GWID"          "gpa"          
[5] "degree"        "remaining_sem"

We can see from the data print-out and from dim() that this dataset has five rows and six variables (look at last week’s tutorial if you need a refresher on dim()). The command names() tells us the variable names in this dataset. Note that there are two ways you could identify a student: by name (first and last) and by GWID.

Let’s now load the second students dataset, students2.

# load the second student data
student2 <- read.csv("H:/pppa_data_viz/2019/tutorial_data/lecture02/2019-01-27_fake_student_data_part2.csv")

# how many students?
[1] 5 4
# what variables?
[1] "First_name" "last_name"  "GWID"       "age"       

This new dataset also has five rows (students), so it is possible that the datasets could match perfectly (by which I mean a one-to-one match). The names() command tells us that this dataset has three variables that we can see overlap with the variables in students1: First_name, last_name and GWID.

B. Merging

Now we want to put these two datasets together into one large dataset. You can combine two datasets in two ways. The first is “stacking,” which is putting one datset “on top” of the other. This is useful when both datasets have the same variables (columns). In this case, you’ll use the rcommand rbind.

However, students1 and students2 have three common variables. In this case, we want to combine by these variables, or “merge.”

B.1. Basic Merge

We’ll start by merging students1 and students2 by the GWID variable. “Merging by” a variable means matching a row in dataset A with a row in dataset B if both observations have the same value for the merging variable. In this class we’ll use exact matches. Fancier data work can do things like “fuzzy matches.”

Before we merge, however, recall that both datasets have, in addition to GWID, First_name and last_name. If we merge by GWID, then the new dataframe will have first and last name from students1 and first and last name from students2. It is very bad data management practice to have duplicate variables in a dataset. By “duplicate variables” I mean two columns that contain the same information. Duplicate variables in the same dataframe leads to confusion (which one is right?) and is wasteful from a data storage point of view. So we will begin by keeping just GWID and age from students2 before merging. Below we use syntax introduced last class; if it seems unfamiliar, return to last class’s tutorial on subsetting.

# make student2 w/o duplicate variables
student2.nd <- student2[,c("GWID","age")]

Now we want to merge students1 with the newly created student2.nd. R’s basic merge command has four key components that I show below in generic form:

# do the merge
new.dataframe <- merge(x = DATAFRAME1, 
                       y = DATAFRAME2, 
                       by = "VARIABLE COMMON IN BOTH DATASETS", 
                       all = TRUE/FALSE)

Use x = and y = to specify the input datasets. Use by = to specify the variable on which you’d like to merge, putting it in quotes. In this method, this variable name needs to exist in both datasets (we relax this requirement later in the tutorial).

Finally, all = lets you modify R’s behavior when merging. If you omit this part, R will just keep observations in the first dataset. I strongly suggest that you always keep all observations (all = TRUE). If dataframes don’t merge properly (more below on what this means) you should generally understand why. It’s important to know whether the merge is successful or not. If you limit to just observations that match (all = FALSE), you don’t know if your merge had problems.

For our particular example, we specify the merge as below:

# do the merge
students <- merge(x = student1, 
                  y = student2.nd, 
                  by = "GWID", 
                  all = TRUE)

How many observations do you expect this new dataframe to have? Five – the same number as in each input dataframe. How many variables? The six variables in students1 plus one (age) from students2. You might object, saying that students2 has two variables – and that’s right, but one of them is a duplicate of one in students1 (GWID).

More generally, when you’re doing a merge, you should know how many observations you expect in the final product before you merge. Then check to be sure that the total number of observations fits your expectation. Not doing this is data malpractice and can cause serious errors. When coding, it is sadly frequent that things that you think should work do not. Good programmers verify that things work, instead of assuming that they do.

Use the commands below to check on whether your merged dataframe has the five observations and seven variables:

# check on things in new dataframe
[1] 5 7

We see that the new dataframe has 5 observations (good!), and seven variables (good!).

# check on things in new dataframe
[1] "First_name"    "last_name"     "GWID"          "gpa"          
[5] "degree"        "remaining_sem"
[1] "GWID"          "First_name"    "last_name"     "gpa"          
[5] "degree"        "remaining_sem" "age"          
'data.frame':   5 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ GWID         : chr  "G08" "G12" "G14" "G37" ...
 $ First_name   : chr  "richelle" "longina" "runa" "elpis" ...
 $ last_name    : chr  "bjoern" "nedelya" "marcelo" "josefa" ...
 $ gpa          : num  3.4 3.9 3.8 2.9 3.5
 $ degree       : chr  "mpp" "mpp" "mpp" "mpa" ...
 $ remaining_sem: int  1 4 3 1 2
 $ age          : int  40 25 24 22 25

If you compare names(students1) to names(students), you see one additional variable: age. Also good.

# check on things in new dataframe
'data.frame':   5 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ GWID         : chr  "G08" "G12" "G14" "G37" ...
 $ First_name   : chr  "richelle" "longina" "runa" "elpis" ...
 $ last_name    : chr  "bjoern" "nedelya" "marcelo" "josefa" ...
 $ gpa          : num  3.4 3.9 3.8 2.9 3.5
 $ degree       : chr  "mpp" "mpp" "mpp" "mpa" ...
 $ remaining_sem: int  1 4 3 1 2
 $ age          : int  40 25 24 22 25

The command str() is another tool for examining a dataframe. This tool tells you the number of observations in a dataframe, the variables, and some hint of the values of those variables.

B.2. Merging by two variables

Sometimes it is necessary to merge by two variables, rather than one. In our small dataframe, first name information is sufficient to identify a student. This is not generally true, however. (And frequently names are insufficient to uniquely identify a student, which is why schools use ID numbers.) But for purposes of example, we will do a merge by two variables.

When else might you want to merge by two variables? Think back to the county data from last class. County FIPS codes are not unique across states. For example, multiple states have county 001. Thus to merge properly, we need to match by both state FIPS code (e.g., 11 for DC) and county FIPS code (001 for DC). State FIPS plus county FIPS do uniquely identify counties.

To start our example merge with two variables, let’s first make a dataset that has first name, last name and age from students2.

# make student2 w/o gwid
student2.nd2 <- student2[,c("First_name","last_name","age")]

With this new dataframe, we do a merge on two variables. We denote them c("var1","var2").

# do the merge
students.t2 <- merge(x = student1, 
                     y = student2.nd2, 
                     by = c("First_name","last_name"), 
                     all = TRUE)

Let’s check like before. Does it have 5 observations?

# check on size
[1] 6 7

No! What went wrong?

B.3. Figuring out problems in a merge

When a merge doesn’t work the way you think it should, it means that some rows (or observations) didn’t match as you’d anticipated. When this happens PAUSE! Do not do anything else until you’ve resolved your merging problems. Badly merged data is garbage. Garbage data yields no useful insights.

To figure out what has gone awry in a merge, you need to figure out which observations don’t match and why. To do this, make a marker for each of your datasets. By “marker,” I mean a variable that will identify the dataset. At present, you can see observations that don’t merge, but you cannot tell which observation comes from which original dataframe. Without this information, it’s hard to design a fix. The marker variable you’re about to create allows you to pick out observations without a match. Many times, when you view the non-merged observations, you can diagnose the problem.

Here we create a marker variable in each dataset before we merge. I design them so that the variables always takes the value 1.

# make id variables for each dataset
student2.nd2$s2 <- 1
student1$s1 <- 1

Now, re-do the merge with these revised dataframes:

# re-do merge
students.t2 <- merge(x = student1, 
                     y = student2.nd2, 
                     by = c("First_name","last_name"), 
                     all = TRUE)
[1] 6 9
  First_name last_name GWID gpa degree remaining_sem s1 age s2
1      elpis    josefa  G37 2.9    mpa             1  1  22  1
2    longina   nedelya  G12 3.9    mpp             4  1  25  1
3    mozghan      mara  G62 3.5    mpa             2  1  25  1
4   richelle    bjoern  G08 3.4    mpp             1  1  40  1
5       runa   marcelo  G14 3.8    mpp             3  1  NA NA
6       runa  marcelo  <NA>  NA   <NA>            NA NA  24  1

We still have the same problem of six observations (and we should, since we haven’t yet done anything to fix it).

Now clean up the marker variables to make <NA> values zero. We do this using the (very useful) ifelse command. The syntax for this command is

output$var <- ifelse(test = TEST PHRASED AS STATEMENT,
                     yes = [DO IF TRUE],
                     no = [OTHERWISE DO THIS])

The first part of this command is the test. You tell R to evaluate a statement. If the statement after test = is true, then R assigns to variable var in dataframe output the value following the yes option. If the statement after test = is false, then R assigns the variable var the value after the no = option.

In the ifelse() function below, we are going to use another R function that evaluates whether an observation is missing or not. The function is.na() returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the observation is missing or not. Here is a small example of this function. First we create a dataframe called example. The column (or variable) v1 has a missing value; v2 does not.

example <- data.frame(v1 = c(1,3, NA),
                      v2 = c(4,5, 6))
# this reporting if there are any variables in v1 missing
# this reporting if there are any variables in v2 missing
# and now we can figure out how many

    2     1 


The output of is.na() is only TRUE or FALSE, and there is only one false, since only on observation (row in the dataframe) is missing. The output of the table() command reports the number of TRUE and FALSE in each variable. Look back at Tutorial 1 if you would like a reminder about this function.

Now we apply the logic of this command to the students data. The first command below says that if studentst2$s1 is missing, then make studentst2$s1 0; otherwise, leave studentst2$s1 its original value. Note that the condition we evaluate in the test = portion of the function has a conditional equals sign (==).

# make marker variables zero 
students.t2$s1 <- ifelse(test = is.na(students.t2$s1)==TRUE,
                         yes = 0,
                         no = students.t2$s1)
students.t2$s2 <- ifelse(test = is.na(students.t2$s2)==TRUE,
                         yes = 0,
                         no = students.t2$s2)

Now we’ll use the newly created markers s1 and s2 to see what’s going on. How many observations are both in the first dataset (s1=1) and in the second (s2=1)? There are two ways to do this, now that we’ve made our markers. First, you can also print just observations where the merge doesn’t work – where s1+s2 != 2, using the same subsetting logic as before.

# check on it
students.t2[which(students.t2$s1 + students.t2$s2 != 2),]
  First_name last_name GWID gpa degree remaining_sem s1 age s2
5       runa   marcelo  G14 3.8    mpp             3  1  NA  0
6       runa  marcelo  <NA>  NA   <NA>            NA  0  24  1

The printed out subset shows that the problem observations are both for student Runa Marcelo. In this dataframe, where there are no missing data, we could also use missing values in any variable to pick out the problem. However, this is generally not the case, which is why the markers are so useful.

Alternatively, use the two-way table command to check. Above we used a one-way table() command, which does a one-variable frequency. We do this first here so we can understand the pattern of the markers. Then we do a two variable frequency.

## check on it
# first see the marker for students.t2
print("observations in students1")
[1] "observations in students1"

0 1 
1 5 
# now see the marker for students 
print("observations in students2")
[1] "observations in students2"

0 1 
1 5 
# and how they match together
print("how the datasets match together")
[1] "how the datasets match together"
    0 1
  0 0 1
  1 1 4

The (unhelpfully unlabled) top row of the two-variable table shows values for the first variable in the command, students.t2$s1. The first column shows the values of the second variable in the table command, students.t2$s2. No observations have s1 = 0 and s2 = 0 – this makes sense, since it is equivalent to saying that no observations come not from students1 (1 if the observation comes from students1) and no observations come from students2 (1 if the observation comes from students2).

The table also tells us that there are four observations where s1=1 and s2=1. There is one observation where s1 = 1 and s2 = 0, and one observation where s1 = 0 and s2 = 1. This method is very good for larger dataframes. It can help you understand if you have a merging problem, and whether it is a big or little problem.

Why doesn’t the Marcelo observation merge? There’s a hint in the print out: one marcelo is longer than the other. We can check whether this is the case by creating new variables that are the length of the name (where this is the length in characters). The command nchar() counts the number of characters in a string. If the variable is a factor (as these names are; more on factors later), you need to tell R to treat it as a character variable, using as.character().

# look at the length of the merging variables
students.t2$first.length <- nchar(as.character(students.t2$First_name))
students.t2$last.length <- nchar(as.character(students.t2$last_name))
  First_name last_name GWID gpa degree remaining_sem s1 age s2 first.length
1      elpis    josefa  G37 2.9    mpa             1  1  22  1            5
2    longina   nedelya  G12 3.9    mpp             4  1  25  1            7
3    mozghan      mara  G62 3.5    mpa             2  1  25  1            7
4   richelle    bjoern  G08 3.4    mpp             1  1  40  1            8
5       runa   marcelo  G14 3.8    mpp             3  1  NA  0            4
6       runa  marcelo  <NA>  NA   <NA>            NA  0  24  1            4
1           6
2           7
3           4
4           6
5           7
6           8

Looking at the output, we can see that in the fifth observation the last name has length 7; in the sixth observation, last name has length 8. It has a space after “marcelo”! You can fix this using a ifelse() command on the student2 dataset for this particular observation. This is for your homework.

More generally, this is one of the many types of problems that can plague merges. Be vigilant when merging data! This section has given you the tools to figure out when a merge is not working as expected.

C. Many-to-1 merges

So far we have done 1:1 merges, where each observation in each dataset has one or zero corresponding (where corresponding means a match of the by merging variable) observations in the other dataset. Now we’ll try a many to one match, where many observations in a dataset correspond to one observation in the merging dataset.

C.1. Merge in attributes by degree program

For this example, we’ll merge in attributes of the degree program. Each degree program has some features (perhaps number of students, mean time to graduation) that you may want to add to the individual student records. Begin by downloading these data, and then load them and look at them.

# bring in degree program info
dp <- read.csv("H:/pppa_data_viz/2019/tutorial_data/lecture02/2019-01-27_program_data_1.csv")
  deg grad_rate
1 mpp      0.95
2 mpa      0.96
[1] "deg"       "grad_rate"

Note that this degree program data has a different variable name for the degree program (deg) than the students dataset (degree). We want to merge by this variable and that’s ok: we just let R know that the merging variable has a different name in dataframes x and y as below using by.x and by.y.

Before merging, how many observations do you expect these data to have?

# merge with student data
students.wd <- merge(x = students,
                     y = dp, 
                     by.x = "degree", 
                     by.y = "deg", 
                     all = TRUE)
[1] 5 8
[1] "degree"        "GWID"          "First_name"    "last_name"    
[5] "gpa"           "remaining_sem" "age"           "grad_rate"    

After merging, we find that the dataset has the expected 5 observations, and that the new dataframe has a graduation rate variable. All good.

Helpfully, you can see from the output of names() that R does not keep degree and deg: one is enough! (Both would be redundant and confusing.)

C.2. Another many-to-one merge example

That merge went very smoothly. Here’s a (more typical) example when things don’t go as you’d hoped. Download this new program csv file, and load the data.

# bring in degree program info
dp2 <- read.csv("H:/pppa_data_viz/2019/tutorial_data/lecture02/2019-01-27_program_data_2.csv")
[1] "degree"    "grad_rate"
  degree grad_rate
1    mpp      0.95
2    mpa      0.96
3   enrp      0.95

Again, how many observations do we expect after the merge?

Now here is the merge:

# merge with student data
students.wd2 <- merge(x = students,
                      y = dp2, 
                      by = "degree", 
                      all = TRUE)
[1] 6 8

This output has one more observation than we expect. Why?

We look for the answer following merging logic. I know that the dataframe students has a value for the variable first_name in every row (this is the same thing as saying “for every observation”). Below I tell R to print any observation from the merged data that does not have a value for the variable First_name, using is.na().

students.wd2[which(is.na(students.wd2$First_name) == TRUE),]
  degree GWID First_name last_name gpa remaining_sem age grad_rate
1   enrp <NA>       <NA>      <NA>  NA            NA  NA      0.95

I can get rid of this extra row – we have no ENRP students in the students dataframe – by using a subsetting command as we learned last class. In words, this command says “keep only observations from students.wd2 where GWID is not missing. We are comforted that the final product has the five observations we expect.

# keep only true students
students.wd2 <- students.wd2[which(is.na(students.wd2$GWID) == FALSE),]
[1] 5 8

It is good practice to only ever drop observations from a merge when you know what you’re dropping and why.

D. Using the merged data

The point of merging data is to do something with the newly created data.

Here are some examples of things you can do with this newly merged dataframe.

# what is the average age in the class?
av.age <- mean(x = students.wd2$age, 
               na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 27.2
# standard deviation of age?
std.age <- sd(x = students.wd2$age, 
              na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 7.259477
# how many people by degree program?

mpa mpp 
  2   3 

E. Data types in R

Variables in R may be one of six types

  1. numeric
  2. integer
  3. character
  4. logical
  5. complex
  6. raw

We will use the first four in this class, and we cover them in this tutorial. We will also cover a special case of the integer variable type, called a factor. The remaining two variable types (raw and complex) are likely not going to be of use to you (or me) in the foreseeable future.

E.1. Numeric variable

A numeric variable is one where all the observations of the variable are either numbers of missing (NA). For example, v1 below is a numeric variable, but v2 is not. You can evaluate whether a variable is numeric by using is.numeric(), which returns TRUE if numeric and FALSE if not.

e1 <- data.frame(v1 = c(1.2, 2.3, 3.4),
                 v2 = c(4.5, "c", 5.6))
[1] TRUE

You can also take a look at the structure of the dataframe using str() to evaluate variable types.

'data.frame':   3 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ v1: num  1.2 2.3 3.4
 $ v2: chr  "4.5" "c" "5.6"

E.2. Integer variable

An integer variable is a special case of a numeric variable – it is a numeric variable where each value is an integer. Because integers do not have decimals and therefore take up less memory, R prefers to store numeric variables as integers if possible.

E.3. Character variable

A character variable is one that has at least one non-numeric value in any observation. In other words, if you have 1000 observations of variable v1, and one of them has a letter or symbol, the entire variable will be non-numeric. For example, the variables students$first_name and students$last_name are character variables.

E.4. Logical variable

A logical variable takes only the values TRUE and FALSE. You can enter these variables yourself, or create them as an output from other variables, as we did with is.na() above. The is.na() function (and many others) returns only the two logical values.

E.5. Factor variable: special case of integer

Factor variables are a special case of the integer variable. In short, R creates factor variables for character variables that take on a limited number of values. For example, imagine a variable with a limited number of string outcomes, such as “good”, “bad”, and “ugly”. R assigns a number to each of the string outcomes, so, for example, 1 = "bad", 2 = "good", and 3 = "ugly" (by default, R creates factors in alphabetical order). R stores the numbers (not the strings) and also stores the numbers-to-strings mapping. This can save a lot of memory, especially when strings are long.

Factor variables are tricky, because they sometimes look like character variables. For example, if you ask R to make a table of a factor variable, R will display the character values, not the integer ones. For example, our students.wd2 dataframe has some factor variables. We can get a sense of them by using the str() command. See what R outputs about `degree’ from the table command – it looks like a string, not the factor that it actually is.

# look at the variables here
'data.frame':   5 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ degree       : chr  "mpa" "mpa" "mpp" "mpp" ...
 $ GWID         : chr  "G37" "G62" "G08" "G12" ...
 $ First_name   : chr  "elpis" "mozghan" "richelle" "longina" ...
 $ last_name    : chr  "josefa" "mara" "bjoern" "nedelya" ...
 $ gpa          : num  2.9 3.5 3.4 3.9 3.8
 $ remaining_sem: int  1 2 1 4 3
 $ age          : int  22 25 40 25 24
 $ grad_rate    : num  0.96 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.95

mpa mpp 
  2   3 

Apart from saving memory, why does R have factor variables? The UCLA website writes that “There are a number of advantages to converting categorical variables to factor variables. Perhaps the most important advantage is that they can be used in statistical modeling where they will be implemented correctly, i.e., they will then be assigned the correct number of degrees of freedom. Factor variables are also very useful in many different types of graphics.”

As the people at UCLA said, and as we will see in future tutorials, it is helpful to have factors when you’re looking to tabulate categorical data. But remember that although factors sort of look like numbers when you do str(), they are not numbers and can’t be treated as such:

# can you add factors?
students.wd2$odd <- students.wd2$degree + students.wd2$GWID

When we run this code, R gives an error message:

Error in students.wd2$degree + students.wd2$GWID :
  non-numeric argument to binary operator

We will return to factor variables when we make graphs, particularly focusing on factor variables’ key role in labeling.

E.6. Why all these different types?

Types matter because functions apply only to certain variable types. For example, you cannot add strings. Similarly, you can’t use nchar() to count the number of characters in a numeric variable.

F. Problem Set 2

  1. Use R programming commands to fix the one problematic observation in the student2 dataframe and make it merge properly (by first and last name) with student1.

  2. Find a dataset with county information and merge it either with the data we used last class, or with a larger county-level dataset for all counties in the US, 1910 to 2010. This second dataset is here, and the variable definitions are here.

If you google “county-level data” you’ll find a plethora of datasets. For purposes of loading into R, you’re best off with a comma separated values dataset (.csv) or excel file. R can deal with many types of datasets, but these are the most straightforward when you’re getting started.

If the dataset you find is a comma separated values dataset (.csv), then use read.csv() to load the data. If the dataset you find is an excel sheet use the readxl package and the read_excel() function to load the data. If you find data in other formats and can’t load it, please write in to Piazza.

It is sufficient for your new dataset to have just one year of information, or information for just one state or one year.

The final dataset could be at the county level, or at some other unit of observation. (For example, if you found a dataset about power plants, which had one observation per power plant with a county ID, you would end up with a power plant-level dataset.)

Make sure you explain the following:

  • what your new data describe
  • the source of your additional data
  • how many observations the new data have
  • how many observations you expect from the merge and why; if this seems off, fix it and explain what you did
  1. Make three summary statistics of your choice for these new merged data. What these output are depends on what you’re merging in.

As with the first problem set, you need to turn in

  • your R script for the entire tutorial
  • your R console file output (for just the clean R script)
  • and some text that explains answers to questions
  • in one pdf
  • to Piazza, as a private message, folder for tutorial 2
  • attach file to message
  • title them [last name]_PS2.pdf