Creating Complete Documents: R Markdown and Quarto
R Markdown has now been replaced by Quarto. I suggest that you stay away from R Markdown, as it can be quite buggy.
See Tutorial 0 for a link to Quarto documentation.
Programming Support
My curated list of online resources for learning R.
R in general
- Statistical Programming DC, primarily a R user group
- Official intro to R
- Coursera videos on R
- Focus on ggplot2: Healy, Data Visualization for Social Science: A practical introduction with R and ggplot2
- Wickham and Grolemund, R for Data Science
Graphs in R
- Producing Simple Graphs in R
- Wickham, Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis , free online through Gelman Link
- STDHA ggplot basics
- R graph gallery: chart examples and code
Maps in R
- Workshopon Spatial Data in R
- Biologist on maps in R
- Micromaps, a very cool map plus chart
- Google Maps with R
Previous Years' Most Successful Policy Briefs
- 2023
- 2022
- Jimmy Draper on state election laws: brief and presentation
- David Glickstein on Antisemitism: brief and presentation
- Lydia Hollingsworth on electricity in Africa: brief and presentation
- Lucy Smart on the Advanced Child Tax Credit: brief and presentation
- 2021
- Bianca Onwukwe on Baltimore school segregation: brief and presentation
- Eleanor Thompson on North Carolina's opioid epidemic: brief and presentation
- Stephanie Palmer on student debt: brief and presentation
- Jasmine Kaidbey on obesity prevalence and policy: brief and presentation
- 2020
- Kim Wilson on the growth in auto loans; presentation slides.
- Lindsay Thayer on measles outbreaks; presentation slides
- 2019
- Melissa Estheimer on immigration courts; presentation slides. This became a real policy brief
- McCall Pitcher Hopkin on higher education and mobility; presentation slides
Data Visualization Webpages and Blogs
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization: book about data visualization using R
- Data Viz Blog
- Data Community DC
- Knaflic's Story Telling with Data
- Information is Beautiful
- Perceptual Edge
- Policy Viz
- Examples from Tableau software
Data Visualizations: Those to Emulate and Not
- Visualizations to Emulate
- A super-duper bar chart on elections with all kinds of extra info
- Change over time that is not a line chart: introduction of vaccines and measles prevalence by state
- Information is Beautiful; see especially their annual awards
- “A Field Guide to Red and Blue America”, Wall Street Journal; map and bar chart and change over time
- How to show quantities: lawn and house size over time
- Visualizations Not to Emulate
- See scatter plot, scrolling down (“Negative Equity...”)
- Inequality by city
- New housing units built in California over time
- Shares in confusing depictions, via an article about pre-trial detention in DC from the Washington Post
- Guns over time from the Washington Post
- Confusing bar charts about wearable fitness from the Wall Street Journal
- And others to think for yourself
- Energy maps: quantities of subsidy, and source and destination uses
- Pedestrian crashes in DC, written about written here
- Five Thirty Eight's weirdest charts of 2014
- Data you could analyze
- Elections summary data, table form
- On elections data, by statistics guru Andrew Gelman
- Icons for Everything
If you would like to have a discussion board activated, or if there are other features on Blackboard that you would like to use, please let me know.